Ridge Baseball | Resources | Coaching |
Coaching requirements
All Ridge Baseball Club coaches and managers must complete all of the following requirements before they will be permitted to coach. If you are interested in coaching or managing a team, we highly recommend that you complete these requirements far in advance of the start of the season.
All coaches must complete the Rutgers SAFETY training and possess a Rutgers SAFETY Card. This is an in person or online training that takes several hours, but is only required to be completed once.
- Description: https://youthsports.rutgers.edu/safety-clinic-courses/
- Schedule of Classses: https://youthsports.rutgers.edu/educational-courses/schedule
All coaches must complete the Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Coaching Certification program.
Cal Ripken Coaches Program Certification (online course, small fee, only required to take once)
All coaches must take the Concussion awareness training provided by the CDC
Concussion awareness Certificate (free online course, required to renew every 3 years)
All coaches must complete the Sudden Cardiac Arrest training
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training Info (free online course, required to renew every 3 years)
All coaches must familiarize themselves with RBC's Lightning Policy and agree to abide by it and enforce it.
At least one coach or manager per team must be CPR certified. Certification from the American Red Cross or any certifying organization is acceptable. RBC will provide CPR training prior to the start of its Spring Recreational Season.
For AED information, please refer to our Safety page.
All managers and coaches must complete the online background check and Sexual Abuse Prevention training provided by Babe Ruth League Baseball. Background Checks and Abuse Prevention Training Certificates need to be renewed every two years.
***After clicking the Background Check link above, please sign in or create a SportsEngine Account and then select the "2025-26 Coach/Volunteer Membership" to link your account to RBC's account. From there you will be able to see if your background check or Abuse Prevention Training needs to be completed. If you have any questions about the Background Check or Abuse Prevention Training, please contact Safety@ridgebaseballclub.com***
**You must register annually for the background check and Abuse Prevention Training. Once you register and link your account to RBC, you will see if your Background Check or Abuse Prevention Training needs to be completed for the 2025 - 2026 season.**